National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency

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Selected Bibliography on Rural Road Network Planning

Ali Siddiqui, M.A. and R. N. Dutta, A Discrete Multi-criteria Deprivation Reducing Approach to Tural Road Network Planning in India, Highway Research Bulletin No. 54, 1996.

Jain Neelam, Kanagadurai, B. & Jain P. K. Rural Connectivity Vision Through Master Planning Approach, National Seminar on National Connectivity Vision: Surface Transportation & Communication, 19-20 January, 2001, Hyderabad.

Kangadurai, B. Upadhyay, V and Tiwari, G. Planning Rural Roads in India – An Overview of Selection Criteria and its Implication, Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. XXXII, No. 2, 2000.

Kumar, Ashok and Praveen Kumar, User-Friendly Model for Planning Rural Roads, TRR 1652. 1998.

Kumar, A. & Tillotson, H.T A Comprehensive Planning Methodology for Rural Roads in India, IRC Journal, Vol. 50-2, 1989.

Mahesh Chand, Application of Central Place Theory in Estimating Rural Road Requirements, Indian Highways, December 1996.

Mahendru, A.K., Sikdar, P. K., and Khanna, S.K., Nodel Points in Rural Network Planning, Indian Highways, Journal of Indian Roads Congress, Vol. 10, pp. 5-10. 1982a.

Mahendru, A.K. Sikdar, P.K. and Khanna S.K. Spatial Distribution and Functional Planning of Settlement Hierarcheis in Rural Road Networks, Indian Highways, Journal of Indian Roads Congress, July 1983.

Mahendru, A.K. Sikdar, P.K. and Khanna S.K. Linkage Pattern in Rural Road Network Planning, Journal, Indian Roads Congress, Vol. 44-3, Dec. 1983.

Mahendru, A.K. Sikdar, P.K. and Khanna S.K. Link Efficiency in Rural (village) Road Network Planning, Seminar on Roads and Transport in Rural Areas, CRRI New Delhi, Nov. 1985.

Mahendru, A.K. Sikdar, P.K. and Khanna S.K. Cost Considerations in Generation and Evaluation of Rural Road Network, Journal, Indian Roads Congress Vol. No. 47-3, 1986.

Praveen Kumar, Gupta, A.K. Singh D.V and Jain, S.S. Facility Based Optimal Rural Road Network Design, Highway Research Bulletin No. 58, June 1998.

Prusothaman, Y.S. et al., Scientific Preparation of Master Plans in Andhra Pradesh, IRC Journal Vol. 54-2 Sept. 1993.

Sikdar, P.K. How to Provide Total Road Connectivity to Rural India, Indian Highways, June, 2000.

Sikdar, PK., Srivastav, H.P. and Mahendru, A.K. Networks Approach to Rural Road Planning, Invited Paper, Proc. National Get-together on Road Research and its Utilisation, CRRI New Delhi, Sept. 1992.

Sikdar, P.K. Database and Master plan for Rural Roads, Technical paper, workshop on Rural Road Connectivity – Technical Aspects, CRRI, 4-5th Sept. 2000.

Sikdar, P.K. Rural Road Network Planning Using GIS, Lecture note, QIP UOR, 1999.

Srinivasan N.S ‘Planning of Rural Roads’ Proceedings of Seminar on Roads and Road Transport in Rural Areas, CRRI New Delhi. 1985.

Swaminathan C.G. Lal N.B., and Ashok Kumar, A System Approach to Rural Road Development, IRC Journal Vol. 42-4, 1982.

UNCHS, Guidelines for Planning of Rural Settlement and Infrastructure – Road Network. United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), Nairobi, 1985.

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